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Frt suspension
Steering column
Fuel Cell
Heater A/C
Water lines
Rear Suspension
Seat belts
Body seals

This kit can and has been assembled in the past with the body left installed on the chassis. However, we recommend removing the body to make the assembly process easier and much more enjoyable.

Diagram 1
Diagram 2

    To Remove the Body

    1. Disconnect the wire loom connector from the tail section wire loom.

    2. Lay a blanket or rug on the floor to set the tail section on (tail lights down).

    3. Disconnect the hinged tail support from the frame. Re-insert the bolt with the nut in the tail support assembly hole to keep the whole assembly intact.

    4. Remove the large right and left side tail hinge bolts with spacers. Remove the tail section. Re-insert the bolts with the correct spacers on their proper sides in the tail section hinge holes so as not to lose the bolts and spacers. By keeping the spacers on their correct sides will help retain the proper body alignment when the body is re-installed.

    5. Remove the seat and console package by removing all of the bolts around the perimeter of the seats.

    6. To remove the nose cab section, remove the bolts (Allen button heads) located by the firewall inner body panels on both sides. Next, remove the body and body to chassis bolts located inside the cab under the dash inside the front body panels on both sides. Next, remove the (2) bolts on each side that connect the body to the nose frame inside of the front wheel wells. All washers should be counted and marked down on the first section diagrams so you can refer back later on the proper spacing for body alignment when re-installing the body.

    7. Disconnect the tail latch cables and the wire loom connector under the dash in the left side body panel before removing the body.

    8. Do not remove the doors from the nose cab section. Lift the nose cab section off of the chassis. The best way to store the body is leaning it against a wall, nose down. Use blankets or carpet scraps under the nose or anywhere contact will be made to protect the gelcoat finish from scratches.

    9. Remove the lower body panels first, then remove the floor section. All of the bolts are exposed and easy to find at this point.

    10. Remove the belly pan. Most of the bolts are located around the outer perimeter of the chassis. There will be a few located in the center of the belly pan located on the chassis crossmembers.

    11. Store the body components as far away from the chassis as possible so you can have a clean area to work in. There also will be less chance of damaging the finish on the body from bumping into it.